My aim is to get as many people around the world posting messages for 24 hours and even donating money if possible to the mental health charities that are doing some amazing work out there for people who due to this stigma are feeling so alone.

This year blue Monday, the day that researchers say is the most depressing day of the year on 26 th January 2015 will be used for awareness of all mental health illness. We need people to post as many different posts about they're organisation, they're campaigning for better services and people who are suffering in silence due to the stigma if this illness on ALL social media sites. We want people from all over the world for 24 hours to post and tweet as many post involving this illness that effects one in four people at least in their lifetime.

The hashtag will be #bluemonday24 and a Facebook page set up. We want you to post signs and people who feel they're not ready to come forward to use other ways to express their feeling about this illness . The world health organisation says that in 2030 this will be the biggest concern, so now is the time to act and be rid of the stigma that effects so many people. We know that social media like the Huffington post is a great way for get the information out there Globally and we want to make this son annual event for awareness.

We really want people to use this day to express how they are feeling and a way to come out and express their true emotions.There isn't enough support for mental health services and hoping that governments will also take notice to save families from the suffering that many occur in their lifetimes. Prevention in services will as reported this week in Perinatal Mental Health services would save countries money by putting these services in the first place. We need Charities to promote their services from around the world an for people to write blogs to promote on the 26th January 2015.

Blue Monday Awareness Day will be an event which will grow every year and if you to would like to get involved in any way please get in touch. You can also help share this post to as many people around the world as possible and Just think the 10 seconds it will take to do this, the ripple effect will help those suffering in silence. We want people to get really behind this awareness day even if you have not suffered yourself, as the researchers say "the most depressive day of the year" than all the information on social media sites can only be a good thing.

My aim is to get as many people around the world posting messages for 24 hours and even donating money if possible to the mental health charities that are doing some amazing work out there for people who due to this stigma are feeling so alone. Just by reading someone else's story about they battle with this awful illness will have a big positive effect on that person as they wouldn't feel that they are all alone. So on 26th of January 2015 can you please spare 10 minutes of the most depressive day of the year to help others feel the need not to suffer in silence.

Please back our vision and share today..