Boris Johnson Urges Privileges Committee To Publish Their 'Nonsense'

The former prime minister's latest outburst came as publication of their findings was delayed.
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Boris Johnson giving evidence to the privileges committee in March.
House of Commons/UK Parliament via PA Wire/PA Images

Boris Johnson has called on the MPs investigating whether he lied to parliament over partygate to publish their “nonsense” straight away.

The former prime minister’s latest outburst came as it emerged publication of the privileges committee’s report had been delayed.

It had been expected that their findings would be released tomorrow and confirm that they had found Johnson guilty.

But it emerged this afternoon that the report may not now see the light of day until Thursday after Johnson - who quit as an MP on Friday after seeing an initial copy of the report - sent a letter to the committee on Monday night.

In a statement this evening, he said: “The privileges committee should publish their report and let the world judge their nonsense. They have no excuse for delay. 

“Their absurdly unfair rules do not even allow any criticism of their findings. 

“I have made my views clear to the committee in writing - and will do so more widely when they finally publish.”

Johnson has previously described the committee as a “kangaroo court” and accused them of carrying out a “witch hunt”.

In a lengthy statement, he said the committee’s report was “riddled with inaccuracies and reeks of prejudice” while providing him with “no formal ability to challenge anything they say”.

He said the panel of MPs had “still not produced a shred of evidence that I knowingly or recklessly misled the Commons”.

But he said he thought their “purpose from the beginning has been to find me guilty, regardless of the facts”.

“They know that I corrected the record as soon as possible; and they know that I and every other senior official and minister – including the current prime minister and then occupant of the same building, Rishi Sunak – believed that we were working lawfully together,” he said.

“I did not lie, and I believe that in their hearts the committee know it.”

As he is no longer an MP, the committee cannot suspend him from the Commons. However, they could recommend that he be denied a parliamentary pass, which is ordinarily given to former MPs.

It has also emerged that members of the committee have had to be given security after receiving abuse from Johnson supporters.