Three-Year-Old Boy Is Adopted After 832 Days In Care, His Reaction Has Everyone In Tears

'Some things are worth the wait.'

The moment a three-year-old boy was officially adopted after 832 days in foster care was caught on camera, and it has moved people to tears.

Michael Brown, from Arizona, US, was formally adopted by his “forever family” on Tuesday 20 December, after being in their care since February 2015. 

He held a chalkboard sign with the quote: “Some things are worth the wait”.

One of his adoptive sisters, Dezhianna Brown, shared the heartwarming, fist-pumping snap on Twitter, along with some family photos. 

“Forever Family,” she wrote.  

His other sister, Jordae, shared a Flipagram collage of photos chronicling the time they’d spend together over the past year. 

“Officially adopted,” she wrote. “We love you Michael.”

Dezhianna said Michael had three foster families before he was adopted. When he came into her family’s care, she said he was shy and cried a lot.

“He’s a lot more outgoing now and you can now see the personality in him,” she told BuzzFeed News

“Now when he sleeps with me, he’ll roll over in the morning and get super close to my face and say, ‘Dae, I so happy.’”

The family will be spending their first Christmas together with Michael officially being part of the family. 

People cried happy tears when they saw the family’s story on Twitter. 

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