Bread is delicious and oh-so-versatile – but it can also be a major cause of bloating.
This is often because some people are sensitive to wheat or gluten, which means when you munch on your favourite sandwich or perhaps a deliciously crunchy slice of toast, it triggers stress on the gut and digestive system.
Cue: bloating, gas and possibly even stomach ache.
Recently, gastroenterologist Dr Joseph Salhab (who goes by The Stomach Doc on social media) shared a series of simple food swaps for people who end up with post-bread bloating.
“If bread gives you gas and bloating, then you’re going to want to try this,” he said in a TikTok video.
1. Sprouted bread
First up on the doctor’s list of food swaps is sprouted bread.
According to Sporked, sprouted bread is made from whole grains that have been allowed to germinate and sprout before being ground to flour.
“Your classic white bread and other more processed breads use refined wheat flour, whereas whole grain bread uses the entire grain kernel to make the wheat,” explained Sporked’s writer Matt Crowley.
“Sprouted bread takes this a step further, letting those grains sprout before they’re turned into flour.”
According to Dr Salhab, “the act of sprouting can break down some of the gluten and some of the bloating-causing ingredients called FODMAPs”.
2. Flaxseed bread
Next on the gastro doctor’s list is flaxseed bread, which is pretty much what it says on the tin: bread made with ground flaxseeds, which are high in fibre and omega-3.
The bread can be difficult to track down in stores, however you can make it at home using ground flaxseeds.
3. Sourdough bread
Probably the one we’re all most familiar with – especially in an age where people are shifting away from buying ultra-processed white bread at the supermarket – sourdough is made by allowing the dough to ferment before baking.
“Sourdough is bread made from naturally occurring yeast and lactic acid bacteria that are naturally present in flour, rather than using baker’s yeast, to leaven the dough,” according to Cultured Food Life.
“In traditional sourdough recipes, you’ll find three ingredients: sourdough starter, salt, and flour.”
If you’re scratching your head wondering what a sourdough starter is, it’s basically a living culture made from flour and water.
“The fermentation process when making sourdough bread also helps break down some of the gluten and helps break down the fructans which is one of the most common causes of bloating,” said Dr Salhab.
The great thing about sourdough is that it’s available in most bakeries and supermarkets.
While all of these bread types are lower in gluten, they don’t eliminate it completely, added the doctor, so wouldn’t be suitable for those with coeliac disease or gluten allergy.
And if you experience bloating that lasts longer than three weeks, speak to your GP as the issue can also be caused by other underlying health issues like IBS and ovarian cancer.