Bride Racing: Wedding Trend Gathers Speed In Estonia (PICTURES)

Bride Racing Trend Gathers Speed In Estonia

It started with brides in Serbia, running their frilly gowns off in order to win their dream wedding.

Then we read about 'bride napping' in Romania, where future wives are stolen by friends and the groom is forced to pay a 'ransom' in order to win her back, just in time for some altar action.

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Bride race in Estonia

After that, we moved onto the annual north American wife-carrying competition, which attracts participants from all over the world (last year's winners were Finnish).

And now we've moved on to bride racing.

Up there with cheese rolling and beer pong, this has to be one of HuffPost UK Lifestyle's favourite sports of recent years.

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Estonian brides are very competitive

After all, it's literally just another reason to don your gown and prove to the world that wedding dresses are basically the funnest outfit to do anything in.

Click through for more bride racing pictures and let us know your thoughts below!

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