Britain's Got Talent Fourth Semi Final Review

Three down, two to go. Let's see if Britain still has talent...

Three down, two to go. Let's see if Britain still has talent...

Chica Latina started the show and let's just say for the first time in a long time, I'm speechless. Next.

Quicker than you can say hocus pocus, Brynolf and Ljung took to the stage. These guys are amazing, one of the best magic acts I have ever seen. My mind never WANDered off once. Sorry. Good luck fellas.

Singer, Malaki Paul was third up and vocally it was not the best, mainly due to nerves and we have to remember he is just a young boy. I do like him though and I think his star will shine. Not just yet though.

The unfunny comedian Gatis Kandis was uncomfortable to watch. Sorry Gatis but please stick to the day job.

Fancy a come the Sugar Dandies.

I like these two but I agreed with 'my Simon', the routine was, erm, forgettable.

Someone please cheer me up...

Nu Sxool brought a smile to my face, hard working, dedicated kids with a passion for dancing. Well done, give them a Midas gold star.

Forget the judges comments Beatrix von Bourbon, I loved your act. I need to cool down. Phew.

Nerves are playing a totally expected big part in tonight's show and singer/ guitarist, Sam Kelly started shaky. It did improve greatly as the song went on and his voice is very distinctive. Likeable lad too.

Girl band Be Minor were last up and I loved them. The vocals were tight, the choreography was spotless and if were a label, I would sign them now. Huge potential for girls so young.

So, who will get through, next up. The results.

Top of the public vote was Sam Kelly.

The judges vote was between Malaki and Nu Sxool, with the latter winning 3-1