We Must Make a Moral Stand Against any British Involvement in an Attack on Iran

If, Sir John Sawers was forced to make a special secret trip two weeks ago to Israel in a desperate bid to prevent this country from carrying out its most recent threats to launch a unilateral strike against Iran's nuclear targets.

If reports in yesterday's Daily Mail are to be believed, Sir John Sawers was forced to make a special secret trip two weeks ago to Israel in a desperate bid to prevent this country from carrying out its most recent threats to launch a unilateral strike against Iran's nuclear targets.

Apparently, the British government decided to call in its top spymaster for this special mission as it had been sufficiently convinced by Netanyahu's increasing determination to go it alone against Iran.

Whilst it is highly debatable whether Netanyahu's threats can be taken at face value given the unlikeliness of any unilateral Israeli attack without official American involvement or support, it is far more apparent that the belligerent rhetoric coming out of Israel has become a very effective bullying tactic in forcing Western countries to take increasingly rash and inhumane actions that are completely criminal as well as illegal.

What is in no doubt however is that Britain, Israel and the US - despite any differences they may have about their timetable, have been closely engaged in a highly collaborative attempt to use false allegations against Iran's civilian nuclear programme to undermine the Iranian government at every turn and at any cost to the Iranian population in order to achieve their ultimate goal of "regime change" in that country.

Through their enforcement of illegal and reprehensible sanctions, which could kill tens of thousands of Iranians- often also at great cost to Western economic interests - they have sought to strangle Iran economically in order to foment mass discontent and internal unrest as preparation for overt intervention and regime change.

Since October 2010 when John Sawyers was quoted saying "we need intelligence led operations to make it more difficult for countries like Iran to develop nuclear weapons" several Western countries and Israel have been engaged in covert operations to weaken and destabilize the country from within precisely for this purpose. Some of these measures have included the cold blooded murder of Iranian scientists, sophisticated computer malware attacks and of course some of the most draconian sanctions ever used against an independent nation.

It is vital that the British public should be made alert to the fact that their government may once again follow a path which will lead to another catastrophic war against yet another Muslim country and all the consequences that such a scenario would entail.

What is particularly galling for Iranians and must be morally repugnant for anyone else with any sense of morality - is the human suffering being endured by the Iranian population under the pain of strangulating sanctions - not just in terms of economic hardship but more crucially in the areas of medical treatment and welfare. Under these circumstances, Netanyahu's attempt to reach for the moral high ground as the alleged victim living in fear of its security whilst in the next breath threatening a wholly unprovoked attacked on a country which has been effectively living in a state of siege and threat for a number of years is hypocritical and risible in equal measure.

If there are any lessons to be learnt from the moral and humanitarian catastrophe that was the Iraq war is that the British public must not allow its governments to hoodwink it into launching another illegal and criminal and costly war at a time when it can ill afford either the economic or political cost of such a war. It is now up to the public to make a moral stand against such a war and make their voices heard.