Britney Spears Gets Steamy With Jason Trawick For Criminal Video

Britney Spears Gets Steamy With Jason Trawick For Criminal Video

We have watched the video for Britney Spears' Criminal around 30 times (conservative estimate) and we have a few observations to share:


The intro sequence is set during the ambassador's reception. He's a man noted in society for his exquisite taste. In this instance that exquisite taste is exemplified by the fact that he has not one but two Britney fragrances adorning his bathrooms. Britney opts for Cosmic Radiance in preference to Fantasy because, dammit, this is 2011 not 2005.


Britney takes advantage of the opening sequence to showcase her formidable acting chops (hey, we've seen Crossroads TWICE) including a single tear 33 seconds in. Brava.


At the point where Britney's real-life boyfriend Jason Trawick saves her from a beating from Sleazy English Guy it moves from ambassador's reception to awkward Mary Sue fanfiction with product placement.


Britney hasn't lost her fondness for dancing around in doorways with bright lighting behind her.


Britney continues the music video myth that girls always keep their bra on while having sex.


Jason Trawick appears to have a large tattoo mourning either a man named Goose or an actual goose (2.43).


She's very pleased with her sad face.


That shower scene is going to be screencapped to within an inch of its life.


The Metropolitan Police Force have terrible aim.


The credits involve an 'armourer' (the excellently named Charlie Bodycomb) and they've spelled 'armourer' the British way.

Anything to add? Let us know in the comments!

For more Britney pics, don't forget to check out our style evolution below:

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