Britons Eat 141 Million Packs Of Biscuits Per Year

We Eat 376 Packs Of Biscuits A Minute

PRESS ASSOCIATION -- Crumbs! Britons munched their way through 141 million packets of biscuits last year - a rate of 376 a minute - new research shows.

A study by supermarket Sainsbury's revealed that digestives are the nation's favourite, with almost 17 million packets sold every year.

A regional breakdown showed differing taste buds, with fig rolls more popular in Yorkshire, jam rings in the North West and rich teas in the South West,

Claire Goldhill, Sainsbury's biscuit developer, said: "Biscuits are a staple of British culture, with millions of us enjoying them as a sweet treat - there's no surprise to see these high numbers."

Jaffa cakes are more popular in Northern Ireland, while people in Wales, the East of England, and South East are most likely to buy chocolate fingers, the study found.