One In Four Brits Believe They Were Misled Over Brexit, Opinium Poll Reveals

Of all voters, half say the Leave campaign was misleading.

A quarter of all Brits who backed Brexit believe they were misled by the Leave campaign and almost one-in-10 now say they would change their vote if a second EU referendum was held. 

According to a poll by Opinium, 26% of all Leave voters say they were misled by the Brexit campaign which promised voters £350m a week extra for the NHS.

When respondents were asked whether they believed the NHS bus pledge, a quarter of all voters said they did. Of Leave voters, 35% said they did, and 16% of Remain voters. 

More than a year after the June 23 referendum, of all voters, half say the Leave campaign was misleading. Nineteen percent said it was truthful. 

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A quarter of all Brits who backed Brexit believe they were misled a poll has found; Boris Johnson is pictured above before he boards a Vote Leave bus that featured misleading information about the NHS
PA Archive/PA Images

According to the survey from August 15, if there was another referendum 47% would vote Remain and 44% Leave. Five percent did not know how they would vote.

However, it also found that there wasn’t a significant demand for another vote with 39% saying there should be once the final terms of the UK’s exit are confirmed, while 49% opposed it. 

The poll found that a significant number of voters have changed their mind since the referendum.

Among all those who expressed a preference, 52% of voters now say they would vote to Remain as opposed to 48% who would vote to Leave.

Concerns that voters would be financially worse off over the coming years were shared by 39% of all voters. Of Leave voters, 23%, said they expected to have less money in the years ahead.

When asked about the long term effect of leaving the EU, those surveyed were evenly matched with 31% saying they thought they would be better off in a decade, while 30% said they would be worse off. 

Nearly half of the 2,006 people survey, 47%, disapproved of the way Theresa May is handling Brexit talks, compared to 28% who backed her. Among Leave voters, 36% disapproved of her attempts to secure Britain the best deal. 

Opinium found that 36% of respondents were happy for freedom of movement to continue if it meant staying in the single European market. Slightly less, 31%, were willing to leave the single market to curb immigration concerns.  

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