'Broadchurch' Episode 7 Review - Only A Few More Secrets To Share

TV REVIEW: Broadchurch Episode 7 - Only A Few More Secrets To Share

David Tennant must be extraordinarily willing to give up his heartthrob status in favour of acting credentials, because he looked absolutely terrible for much of this episode.

His hospital scene uncovered the first secret this episode was willing to give up - the pain behind Hardy's suffering, despite his protestations that he wanted to get back to to work. "We're nearly there, Miller," he pleaded. ARE we?

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Broadchurch's secrets are gradually giving themselves up

Well, at least we got a confession - of sorts - out of solitary Susan, with her tragic history movingly told. So that's one big red herring disposed of, then, even if it did lead straight to creepy Nige, his crossbow, and another big family secret.

Meanwhile, the Latimers have gone for counselling and, in a freshly moving display of acting from Jodie Whittaker and Andrew Buchan, it seems to have worked. But from whom did they seek guidance? The ever-helpful vicar, of course. Hmmm…

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Is time running out for DI Hardy?

And, in some more good news, a laptop's turned up, smashed to smithereens, but with retrievable data. This is fortunate for Hardy, because he's desperate. How do we know? Because he's talking to the dodgy savant who speaks to boats, the vicar AND the press. Hardy must be having a really bad day. Cross fingers he gets to see a few more, before his head-churning overwhelms him.

So, this time next week, we will know all. It can't come soon enough, and in the same breath, it'll be a sad day to say goodbye to the residents of Broadchurch, a community whose secrets, fears and scarcely-expressed hopes have, in seven short weeks, become ours.