Brussels Terror Attacks And Islamic State Explainer Is Spot On

"A useful idiot in the service of ISIS."

Yesterday's terror attacks in Brussels inevitably prompted feelings of fear, anxiety and... bigotry.


Thankfully amongst these loud voices were some more reasonable assessments of the situation.

At least 34 people were killed and hundreds were injured in Tuesday attacks, which saw two blasts at the city’s airport and one on the Metro.

The two Brussels suicide bombers have been identified by a Belgian prosecutor as Brahim el-Bakraoui, who struck at the city's airport, and Khalid el-Bakraoui who struck at a Metro station.

The second airport bomber has not been unidentified and a third is on the run.

Downing Street today said it was concerned about one missing British national following the Brussels terror attacks, adding that four Britons had been injured, three of whom are in hospital.

Briton David Dixon was named as missing after failing to turn up to work on Tuesday. His partner is now searching hospitals for him.