15 Things You Only Know If You Have A Bullet Journal

We're obsessed.

Unless you’ve been living under a large rock for the past 18 months, you’ll no doubt have witnessed the arrival of the bullet journal and the subsequent internet obsession with them.

Helping us to organise our lives, make lists, logs, doodle with purpose, and generally waste more time than we knew possible admiring stranger’s notebook layouts, we can’t imagine the horror of ever being parted from our BuJo (seriously).

Here are 15 things you only know if you have one: 

1. You fail to comprehend how other people remember anything. 

2. You refuse to accept that iPhones notes are an acceptable organisation alternative to this beauty. 

3. You have to have a bag big enough to carry your bullet journal (and accompanying stationery) with you everywhere.  

4. You shudder when you think about all the post-it notes you used to have all over the place. 

5. You can’t talk to non-bullet-journal-people because they say things like: ‘Isn’t it just a diary?’ 

6. You schedule in dedicated hours for ‘bullet journal time’ at the weekend. 

7. You spend more time drawing your monthly pages than actually filling them in. 

8. You find yourself becoming jealous of other people’s spreads.

9. You belong to Facebook communities specifically for bullet journals. 

10. You are relieved when you realise other people are way more into this than you are. 

11. You have nightmares about ruining your latest collection with a single spelling mistake. 

12. You considered signing up for a calligraphy class, like that’s a totally normal thing to do. 

13. You can only feel inspired by future plans when they’re assembled neatly in a future-log. 

14. You spend half of your salary on coloured pens, stickers and tape. 

15. You realise you are actually a five-year-old child again. 

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