Black Friday 2015 Subverted With 'Buy Nothing Day' In Global Protest Against Consumerism

Loads Of People Are Deliberately Buying Absolutely Nothing On Black Friday

This year's Black Friday is on course to be the UK's biggest shopping day of all time, as millions are set to spend a record £1 billion - but a global protest is calling on everyone are doing the exact opposite.

The global 'Buy Nothing Day' urges people to spend no money at all for 24 hours, as well as other actions like visiting shops dressed as zombies, or pushing empty shopping trolleys around supermarkets in a conga line of protest.

The day aims to oppose mass consumerism and takes place on 27 November - the same day as Black Friday.

It is asking people to 'participate by not participating' with stunts like stalking "those who have been infected with Black Friday" dressed as zombies chanting "Buy, buy buy! Brands brands brands!" and filling public areas with games, music and chillout areas to create a "shopping-free zone".

Another suggestion is to organise a group to push empty shopping trolleys "in a long and silent conga line without ever actually buying anything."

The Shambala festival in Northamptonshire has closed its online ticket sales today to support Buy Nothing Day, while the photo app Picazo is offering its app for free today.

Many tweeters in the UK and beyond said they were taking part or lending their support:

Buy Nothing Day was founded in Canada in 1992 by Vancouver artist Ted Dave. It has caused controversy after adverts for the day were rejected by many major television networks in North America in 2000.

The Buy Nothing Day UK website adds: "Of course, Buy Nothing Day isn't about changing your lifestyle for just one day - we want it to be a lasting relationship or maybe a life changing experience! We want people to make a commitment to shopping less and living more."

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