Caesarean Birth: Women Could Choose To Have Elective NHS C-Section

Caesarean Birth: Women Could Choose To Have Elective NHS C-Section


Mums-to-be may be given the right to choose a Caesarean delivery on the NHS even if there is no medical reason for them to have one.

A draft report by the NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) reveals plans to let women opt for a c-section if that is how they want to deliver their baby.

Changes to the guidelines are being made because Caesarean deliveries are now deemed much safer than in the past.

Dr Bryan Beattie, a Consultant obstetrician who helped to draw up previous Nice guidelines, said the move was a "huge development" which will allow women to make an informed choice.

Despite the relaxing of the rules, women will still have to talk through their decision with doctors and midwives, whilst medics who do not want to carry out non-essential sections will be able to refer their patients to other doctors.

What do you think?

Should women be able to chose a non-medical c-section? Or is it a waste of money and resources?