Cambridge University Recruits 'Lego Professor Of Play' To Run New Education And Development Centre

Applicants must be 'childlike', 'playful' and 'imaginative'.

Firefighter, astronaut, princess - few of us actually get the jobs we dream about as children. 

But with Cambridge University looking to recruit a Lego Professor of Play, one lucky soul just might. 

The uni - ranked number one in the UK - is looking for an expert to run their brand new education, development and learning research centre.  

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Cambridge University is looking for a 'Lego Professor of Play' to run their new education centre
Ekaterina Minaeva via Getty Images

Funded in part by the Lego Foundation, the centre will “examine the importance of play and playfulness in education globally” in order to teach children skills like problem solving, team work and self-control. 

According to the Guardian, Cambridge are looking for someone with a “childlike mindset”: “an academic who is playful, extremely curious, open-minded, imaginative and creative”. 

“The value of play is relatively under-researched,” Cambridge University education professor Anna Vignoles told the paper.

“The aim of the centre is to conduct rigorous research into the importance of play and how playful learning can be used to improve students’ outcomes.”

If the job didn’t sound amazing enough already, the university are offering a “competitive” salary for the position. 

Where do we apply?