Reshuffle: 6 Ways Cameron's 'Rise Of The Women' Is A Damp Squib

6 Ways Cameron's 'Rise Of The Women' Is A Damp Squib

David Cameron's reshuffle this week aimed to sort out the Tories' "women problem" once and for all, with the "pale, male and stale" ministers shown the door and rising female stars brought to the cabinet table.

Despite Nicky Morgan taking the education brief and Liz Truss becoming environment secretary, Cameron's cabinet still is only 23% female, having only five full cabinet members out of 22.

Given the fact that Britain's population is 52% female, groups like the pro-women Fawcett Society are still concerned, with head of policy and campaigns Daisy Sands saying: "With only 23% of full Cabinet members female the country is still being run overwhelmingly by men."

Here are six reasons why Cameron's "rise of the women" may not be as momentous as he'd like you to think.

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