Camping - The Fantasy vs The Reality

The summer holidays can be a time of exotic vacations for many lucky people. But for some it can be a time for a more modest and outdoorsy holiday. It can be a time when a family packs their car so full that the car can only drive at 50 miles per hour.

The summer holidays can be a time of exotic vacations for many lucky people. But for some it can be a time for a more modest and outdoorsy holiday. It can be a time when a family packs their car so full that the car can only drive at 50 miles per hour. That said family will then spend 10 hours driving somewhere that is only five hours away as the roads are full of other families driving in their overly packed cars. Perhaps at your destination you will get set up in 10 minutes. Or perhaps you will spend six hours setting up, cursing throughout whilst being bitten by mosquitoes.

After much begging by my Husband, who tried to convince me that camping with two young children could be and would be idyllic, I agreed to go on our first family camping trip. This is despite the fact that I don't own wellies, I like wearing dresses and I have a daily hair-straightening regime that requires electricity. Last week we went to The Lake District (not exactly a short drive from London). So I thought I would share how the fantasy measured up to the reality.

Waking up to peaceful surroundings.

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Bonding with your family.

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Appreciating the great outdoors.

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Enjoying the weather.

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But at the end of the day, as long as you have delicious food and *some alcohol (*a wheelbarrow full of booze), it will all be okay. Happy Camping!

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All images blogger's own.

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