Caught The Baking Bug? 7 Of The Best Blogs To Follow

Caught The Baking Bug? 7 Of The Best Blogs To Follow

Whether you call yourself a domestic goddess or when confronted with a wooden spoon, you look all confused like this lady below, there's no ignoring the fact that baking? It's cool.

In fact - it's so cool that 7.9 million viewers tuned in to watch the first episode ofGreat British Bake Off series five in August. (We blame Mary Berry and her amazing bomber jacket collection).

However - showstopper cakes aren't just making it big on TV. There are some brilliant bloggers out there who are seriously passionate about baking and yes, they've got the pictures to prove it.

If you need recipe inspiration or you simply can't get bored of looking at pictures of marshmallow brownies, rainbow cakes and peanut butter slices (yum, yum and yum), here's seven baking blogs to follow: