'Celebrity Big Brother': Stephen Bear Sparks Homophobia Row After Frankie Grande Comment

Viewers are split on this one.

Stephen Bear is at the centre of a new ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ controversy, after Frankie Grande appeared to accuse him of making a homophobic slur. 

The pair became embroiled in a row about cocktails during Sunday (7 August) night’s episode of the Channel 5 reality show, but Frankie took offence when Stephen called him a “pussycat”, believing it to be a reference about his sexuality. 

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Frankie Grande
Channel 5

The row kicked off when it emerged Bear had used all the freshly ground coffee to make a cocktail, to which Frankie raged: “Are you fucking kidding me, he’s a fucking terror, he’s an immature arsehole.”

Trying to remain the joker, Bear replied: “Don’t be angry pussycat.”

“Are you calling me a pussycat because I’m gay?” Frankie asked.

“I’m your worst nightmare now. There’s a very small majority of people in this house that actually want you here.”

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Stephen Bear
Channel 5

Many viewers agreed with Frankie that Bear’s comments were meant in a derogatory way: 

However, others believed Frankie had read too much into Bear’s words and attached his own meaning to them:

Stephen’s comment came after his housemates nominated him to face eternal eviction during Friday night’s live show. 

Viewers have also called for him to be removed from the show, following one aggressive outburst last week, which saw him smash a mirror in anger. 

Christopher Biggins has already been ejected from the ‘CBB’ house, after a series of controversial remarks, including an anti-Semitic joke, and a number of disparaging remarks about bisexual people.

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5. 

Before You Go

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