Celebrity Big Brother Update: First Eviction - Audience Chooses Between Rhian Sugden And Jasmine Lennard

CBB Update: First Person Is Evicted From The House

Jasmine Lennard has become the first person to leave the Celebrity Big Brother house, after a tense live eviction.

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Jasmine Lennard became the first person to be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house, when viewers opted to save Rhian Sugden instead

Jasmine begged viewers not to send her home, saying it shouldn't be "a battle just of the breasts, but of personality".

However, as soon as she sat down with host Brian Dowling, she told him she was very relieved to be out of the house, and "did not want to carry on".

And she said of her being voted out of the house by the audience, that people "obviously liked dull people".

Meanwhile, Rhian said she hadn't been herself for the last few days - "I've been a bit upset" - but felt she was finding her way now.

The pair had finally bonded over a mad trolley dash to stock up the CBB cupboards. They were told they couldn't spend over £700 - showing a certain lack of practice in the housekeeping department, they underestimated their spend by £300. Nevertheless, they impressed most of the other housemates with their provisions... all except an indignant Julie: "I can't eat a crumpet with no butter."

In the preceding few days, it had got surprisingly tense for a bunch of people who didn't know each other before they entered the house less a week ago.

The honesty card game probably didn't help.

"Your worst feature is... your roots need doing," Coleen told Samantha.

"If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be... shut the f*** up," Samantha told Coleen.

"One word to describe you would be... overweight," Julian told Coleen. He added helpfully, "It's better if you say it quickly."

Jasmine had confided earlier in Julie Goodyear that she should, perhaps, “take it down a few notches on the crazy scale”.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that the only ones who matter, are the ones who matter,” she added.

So that got sorted out, then.

The second eviction will be made on Friday. One down, twelve to go...