Celebrity Phone Hacking Prompts #IfMyPhoneGotHacked Trend

What You'd Find If Normal People Had Their Phones Hacked

The leaking of the naked images has sparked worldwide condemnation and upped fears about online security.

In a more light-hearted response to the scandal, thousands of ordinary people have taken to Twitter to share what you'd find upon hacking their phones under the hashtag #IfMyPhoneGotHacked.

From alpacas, to Chewbacca playing a cello, here is what the world of Twitter has stashed on their phones:

Ricky Gervais meanwhile, has defended his right to make jokes about the incident, after his comments on Twitter yesterday regarding the leaked pictures, sparked a furious backlash.

"Celebrities, make it harder for hackers to get nude pics of you from your computer by not putting nude pics of yourself on the computer," the comedian said yesterday.

The hacker has shared a list of celebrity victims online, claiming to have obtained photos of 100 other celebrities, including Kim Kardashian and Kelly Brook.

Jennifer Lawrence's spokeswoman has confirmed that the pictures are real, labelling the situation a “flagrant violation of privacy” and stating that they will take legal action against anyone who’s published the pics.

A piece of computer code that repeatedly guesses passwords has been found online. The script was posted to software site GitHub, but a message has since appeared saying that Apple has issued a "patch" or fix for the bug.