Celebrity Threesome Injunction TV Argument Between Piers Morgan And Evan Harris Spills Into Twitter Spat

'If I was to tweet my 4.9 million followers the names, you're saying I wouldn't be in trouble?'

Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan held a fiery debate on live TV with Hacked Off campaigner Evan Harris over the "absurdity" of the law allowing the celebrity threesome injunction.

Morgan challenged Harris, the Joint Executive Director of Hacked Off, over whether he would be "in trouble" if he tweeted the names of the celebrity couple involved in an extra-marital threesome, which English and Welsh media have been banned from reporting under an injunction.

The debate came hours before the Court of Appeal ruled that the injunction could be lifted, pending further legal action.

Co-host Susanna Reid warned things were "about to get lively" as she introduced Harris on the ITV show.

Morgan, the former editor of the News of the World who was interviewed as part of the Leveson enquiry into press standards, told Harris the injunction was "almost futile" because the couple had been named by international media and online.

He complained that it was absurd that there was a "serious risk" someone could go to prison if he tweeted the open secret: "If I was to tweet now to my 4.9 million followers the names of these people, you're saying I wouldn't be in trouble?"

Harris disagreed, saying that few people have as many Twitter followers as Morgan, and therefore wouldn't "go to prison over Piers Morgan", adding "I wish they would".

"Easy tiger," quipped Morgan as the pair continued their debate.

Morgan later tweeted at Harris about the encounter, calling him "odious, irritating, agenda-fuelled" and "absurdly hypocritical" and kicking off a social media spat between the pair.

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