The Time My Little Sister Went Viral

Well, sort of. With over 4000 shares and likes combined, that's pretty viral by normal, non-Miley-Cyrus-person standards. What was it for? Well, given that she's performed in the West End, worked at Hollyoaks, and sung live on GMTV with our band, it's only fitting she went viral for... err, smear tests.

Well, sort of. With over 4000 shares and likes combined, that's pretty viral by normal, non-Miley-Cyrus-person standards.

What was it for? Well, given that she's performed in the West End, worked at Hollyoaks, and sung live on GMTV with our band, it's only fitting she went viral for... err, smear tests.

And honestly? I could not be prouder of her.

Ladies and gents, I give you some wise words from my little sister...


This is a bit cringe... But last year, I went for my first ever smear test.

I wasn't going to go (let's be honest - a stranger poking around down there sounds utterly horrific), but the NHS sent me a congratulations-you're-now-old-enough-to-have-a-smear-test Nail File, and a few months on, whilst using it before a night out, I felt guilty and set a reminder on my phone to ring the docs on Mon.

On the day I was a bit nervy, but it was all over within a minute, felt like a pinch, and the nurse said I had a nice looking cervix too. (Errrr, thanks!)

To learn that I had high-grade pre-cancerous cells that needed immediate treatment was alarming to say the least.

It's surprisingly common: 1 in 20 women have some form of abnormal cells. Yet 33% of women in the UK don't attend their smear.

A lot of my close friends had never been. That's why I've decided to write this today.

1 in 20 women have some form of abnormal cells. What if you were that 1 person, like me?

I had my smear test on my lunch break, it was totally free, and I still had time to spare.

My treatment for the pre-cancerous cells was quick and relatively pain-free, and now they know to keep an extra close eye on me. I've since had abnormal cells return, and whilst I was at the hospital having them checked today, I thought how lucky we are to live in an age where they can pick up on these things before they turn scary. I wouldn't have known about any of this if I hadn't gone to my smear.

Please don't put it off like I almost did. The nurses don't care how long it's been or if you've ever been, they just want to see you healthy... Please, just go.

PS they also suggest that you eat chocolate after your smear to make you feel better. AN EXCUSE TO EAT CHOCOLATE, PEOPLE.

PPS you also get to alarm your sister by randomly taking a selfie with her whilst she does up your hospital gown.

PPPS sorry about the whispy fringe."

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