Woman With Vitiligo Goes Make-Up Free And Shows Us The True Meaning Of Beauty

WATCH: This Woman With Vitiligo Shows Us The True Meaning Of Beauty

Orange peel, crow's feet, acne, we all have bugbears about our appearance.

But the next time you reach for that default negativity, ladies, spare a thought for Cheri Lindsay - a brave, beautiful and positive young woman who suffers from a rare skin condition called vitiligo.

In the video above Cheri bravely wipes away a layer of make-up from her face and hands to reveal her true self.

"Don't hide," she says, staring at the camera. "There's something wrong with everybody. Nobody's 100% perfect."

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Vitiligo is a long-term condition which causes pale, white patches to develop on the skin due to the lack of a chemical called melanin. It can affect any area of your skin, but most commonly occurs on skin exposed to the sun, such as your face, neck and hands.

Her condition developed over the last three years and she admits that it is not that easy to deal with. But she refuses to let it get her down.

"When I first got vitiligo, I had to ask myself a couple of questions," she said. "Does it hurt? No. Is it contagious? Not at all. And can I still live with this and be successful? Hell yes."

The moving video forms part of Dermablend's "Camo Confessions" campaign. The company, which specialises in camouflague make-up, also features videos from ouTube star Cassandra Bankson, who has acute acne and and Rick Genest (also known as "Rico the Zombie"), whose face and body are covered in tattoos.

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