All This 6-Year-Old Wanted For Her Birthday Was To 'Feed Hungry People', So That's What She Did...

Not Many Six-Year-Olds Would Do This On Their Birthday

What would a six-year-old girl most like on her birthday?

Lego? A new Frozen Elsa doll? A brand new notepad and pens to do some drawing?

Not this girl. Her wish was to feed the hungry by donating food to a local food bank. So that's exactly what she did.

Her father uploaded the moment on a photo-sharing site imgur and wrote a message explaining what his daughter's wish was.

"Her wish was to help 'feed hungry people.' She collected all this food to donate to the local food pantry. I'm a very proud father," he wrote.

The photo shows the girl surrounded with more than ten bags of food for the shelter and many people have felt touched by her incredibly kind gesture.

The photo has been viewed over 730,000 times, and received hundreds of comments.

"She'll grow up and do great things for people!" wrote one person.

Another added: "Children have a wonderful sense of generosity, and if you can nurture that so they keep it into adulthood, then you've done parenting right."

Others wished her happy birthday: "Encourage selfless behaviour. Happy birthday good little human".

It's amazing what kids do sometimes, isn't it?