Xiaolian, Chinese Man, Grows New Nose On Forehead (VIDEO)

WATCH: The World's Most Radical Nose Job?

A Chinese man has grown a new nose on his forehead.

Astonishing images showing what may be the most extreme nose job yet,have revealed Xiaolian at a hospital in Fuzhou, Fujian province, as doctors check on his progress ahead of transplant surgery.

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A Chinese man has had a new nose grown on his forehead

The 22-year-old had the extreme treatment after his original nose was infected and left deformed after a traffic accident.

The infection had corroded the cartilage of the nose making it impossible for surgeons to fix.

It left no alternative but to grow a new nose as a replacement.

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Xiaolian neglected his nasal trauma following a traffic accident

Doctors at a hospital in Fuzhou, Fujian province placed a skin tissue expander onto Xiaolian's forehead and cut it into the shape of a nose.

They then planted cartilage taken from his ribs to mould the nose.

The surgeons said the new nose is in good shape and the transplant surgery could be performed soon, local media reported.