China Porn Watchdog Jobs Pay £19,000 A Year, But May Not Be As Fun As They Sound

China Will Pay You £19,000 A Year To Watch Porn
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Atomic Imagery via Getty Images
  1. The jobs are in China.
  2. There is stiff competition as 4,000 people have applied.
  3. It might not be as much fun as you think.

Rather than simply enjoying videos of a rather blue nature, you would be expected to evaluate content to ensure it adheres to China's strict new regulations on adult content.

Liu Chunqi, a police officer who works as a porn watchdog in the city of Harbin, said: "When I do the appraisal, all I am thinking about is whether the content meets the standards for sexual content, or whether the content in the video or disc is publicly advertising sex, or showing sex.

"Some people think it’s just watching porn, but it’s not. Sometimes it makes me throw up."

Liu didn't elaborate on the type of content that prompted him to lose his lunch but suffice to say it sounds a touch grim.

The move is part of a wider trend of internet crackdown from the Chinese government. The company that hosts the country's equivalent of Twitter, Weibo, was fined £483,000 last week for hosting "unhealthy and indecent content".

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