Nigel Farage And Alan Partridge Could Be The Same Person

Nigel Farage And Alan Partridge Could Be The Same Person

Nigel Farage has stuck his foot in it again with a brilliant little soundbite.

Defending former Ukip candidate Kerry Smith's use of the word "chinky", Farage said "when you and you mates are going for a Chinese, what do you call it?"

Despite answering his own question, Farage refused to back down on his support for Smith.

It didn't take long for people to realise - Nigel was probably just experiencing some side effects of EU-regulated medicines.

Maybe he should stay away from international cuisine for a bit.

The Ukip leader even tried to dig himself out of the hole by referencing an old sitcom.

In fact, Farage's statements bore quite a strong resemblance to a few TV shows.

Farage also had the nerve to suggest casual racism was OK if you grew up on a council estate.

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