We Found The Ultimate Christmas Dinner Timing Chart

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Software engineer Ian Renton is here to save the day.

Once the Christmas turkey is in the oven, there’s little room for much else. What should you cook off first? What can wait to go in the oven after? 

Hacking a good Christmas meal timing schedule is a work of art that not everyone can master.

But we’ve found the perfect cheat sheet to make sure those sprouts get served on time while the turkey is still piping hot and those roast potatoes are perfectly fluffy.

Software engineer Ian Renton has come up with The Great Roast Dinner Timing Chart and it’s genius.

“Cooking a traditional roast dinner isn’t difficult—it’s really just about timing everything right so it all comes together at the right time,” he says.

The timing tool lets you input the different meats, vegetables, and sides you’ll be cooking up and by selecting your serving time it’ll come up with the perfect schedule to help you reach your goal.

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Knowing how to juggle different oven times for all the trimmings of a Christmas dinner is an art form.

Renton mentions the timing chart should be used as a “guide only” and that it’s best to check properly if your meat is fully cooked yourself or by using a cooking thermometer.

After enjoying the festive meal, make sure to properly dispose of any oils and greases to avoid blockages in your drains.

Next thing to think about is dessert. Mince pie anyone?