'Christopher Biggins Should Face Police Probe Over Celebrity Big Brother Jewish Joke,' Say Katie Waissel's Family

'Our whole family are absolutely disgusted by Biggins.'

Katie Waissel’s family have called for police to quiz Christopher Biggins over his anti-Semitic joke that saw him removed from the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house. 

The mother of the former ‘X Factor’ star has claimed the words of the entertainer could constitute a hate crime, and should be investigated. 

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Christopher Biggins was removed from the 'CBB' house on Friday
Channel 5

Biggins was thrown off the Channel 5 reality show on Friday (5 August), after it came to light he had made a joke about concentration camps to Katie, who is Jewish. 

He also made a series of controversial remarks about bisexual people, branding them “the worst type” and claiming they were responsible for the spread of AIDs. 

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Katie Waissel's family have called for police to investigate Biggins' comment
Ian West/PA Wire

Katie’s mother explained that the star’s great grandparents had survived the Holocaust after they were held in the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz. 

Biggins broke his silence following his removal from the ‘CBB’ house in an interview with The Sun, claiming he was “motified” by the incident.

The ‘joke’ was made earlier this week, but producers decided not to air it, with Biggins stating he believes Channel 5 were “trying to protect him” by not including it on the show. 

‘Celebrity Big Brother’ airs nightly on Channel 5.

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