'War Machine' Jonathan Koppenhaver Arrested By US Marshals After Allegedly Beating Christy Mack

Porn Star's Ex Hunted Down And Captured By US Marshals After Alleged Abuse

Fugitive and mixed martial arts fighter Jonathan Koppenhaver, aka "War Machine," has been hunted down and arrested by US marshals for allegedly beating his adult film star ex-girlfriend, Christy Mack.

Mack was hospitalised in Las Vegas on Friday, after suffering numerous broken bones, a ruptured liver and cuts from a kitchen knife.

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Porn star Christy Mack sustained serious injuries in the attack

Koppenhaver, 32, was taken into custody after being discovered at a local motel after a week on the lam.

She claimed Koppenhaver arrived at her house on Friday, where he found her with one other “fully clothed and unarmed” person in her Las Vegas home.

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Mack tweeted images of her injuries from her hospital bed on Monday

She wrote: “Without a single word spoken, he began beating my friend; once he was finished, he sent my friend away and turned his attention to me. He made me undress and shower in front of him, then dragged me out and beat my face.

“I have no recollection of how many times I was hit, I just know that my injuries resulted from my beating.

“My injuries include 18 broken bones around my eyes, my nose is broken in 2 places, I am missing teeth and several are broken. I am unable to chew, or see out of my left eye.

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Among her injuries were 18 broken bones around her eyes and a ruptured liver

“My speech is slurred from my swelling and lack of teeth. I have a fractured rib and severely ruptured liver from a kick to my side. My leg is so badly injured I have not been able to walk on my own.”

Mack, who says Koppenhaver broke up with her in May, added: “I also attained several lesions from a knife he got from my kitchen. He pushed the knife in me in some areas such as my hand, ear, and head. He also sawed off much of my hair with this dull knife.

“After some time, the knife broke off the handle and [he] continued to threaten me with the blade.

“I believed I was going to die. He has beaten me many time before, but never this badly.”

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Mack says the was also attacked with a kitchen knife

On his Twitter account last week, Koppenhaver appeared to defend himself while still on the run from police.

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