Drinking Tea And Coffee Regularly Could Cut Risk Of Diabetes And Heart Disease

Why You Don't Need To Feel So Guilty About Your Coffee Habit

Put the kettle on, because tea and coffee could be good for your health.

In a new study of nearly 9000 people, scientists discovered drinking three cups of tea or coffee per day could decrease the risk of diabetes.

Regular drinkers were found to have a lower BMI and a smaller waist than those who have a cup or less of either drink each day.

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The researchers from University of London also found participants who drank tea and coffee regularly (a cup or more per day) has 25% fewer metabolic syndrome symptoms than those who didn't.

Metabolic syndrome is the term used when a cluster of conditions - increased blood pressure, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels - occur together.

Displaying more symptoms of metabolic syndrome usually means a person will have a higher risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Therefore the study suggests drinking tea and coffee could help prevent these life threatening diseases.

Researchers also found coffee may be more beneficial than tea - it appeared to be linked to lower blood pressure when tea wasn't. Further study is needed to establish why this link may have occurred.

The University of London researchers aren't the first to find a link between diabetes and caffeine.

In November the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, collated information from a series of studies that highlight the benefits of coffee.

The extensive report concluded that drinking up to four cups of coffee per day could cut the risk of diabetes by a quarter.

However the NHS warn against drinking large quantities of coffee each day

"It is important to remember that in its caffeinated form, coffee is a stimulant," they previously commented.

"Drinking large amounts of it can lead to unpleasant side effects such as irritability, problems sleeping, restlessness and even in some cases, nausea and vomiting."