Mum's Take On Hot-Footing It Out Of The Baby And Toddler Years Has Us All Living In Hope

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If you’re the parent of a young baby or toddler, chances are you spend a lot of your time in a state of sheer exhaustion as you not only help them navigate the world, their bodies and emotions, but also try your absolute best to... well... keep them alive. 

Rewarding? Yes. Wonderful? Totally! But it’s also hella hard.

If you can relate, one mum has a message of optimism for you: when they turn four (maybe even five, everyone’s different after all) and finally reach the end of what is typically deemed the ‘toddler years’, there is a golden era of parenting awaiting you. 

Caitlin Murray, who hosts the Big Time Adulting podcast, describes this new period of parenting quite simply as “freaking awesome”. We’re listening. 

Her youngest child turned four this year and Murray revealed in a relatable TikTok post that she feels like she is “coming alive again”.

“People are always telling mums: ‘enjoy these years while they last. They go by so fast,’” she said of the baby years, in the video.

“Balderdash. The baby and toddler years were like a black hole of exhaustion, poop and tantrums sprinkled in with moments of unbridled bliss that somehow kept me going throughout all of it,” she continued.

“But I am good. I am ready to move forward into the next phase. No more bringing diapers, special cups, special blankets, changes of clothes ... I won’t miss it. I won’t, I’m good. I am in the sweet spot and I am loving it.”

Needless to say, a lot of other parents – especially mums – were hanging onto her every last word.

“HELLO FROM THE TRENCHES, I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS,” responded one parent in the comments. 

Another parent of two-under-two responded: “You... you mean... it’s not gonna be this exhausting the whole time? Oh thank goodness.”

“Mum of 2.5 year old twins here,” added another. “Needed to hear this today.”

Parents of older children chipped in to agree that yes... these are, in fact, the most supreme years on the horizon.

“Just wait until the youngest turns six,” said one parent. “Holy hell. This has been the best.”

Another added: “I’d argue it gets even better when they’re ‘big kids’. Seven and 11 here and I’m loving these ages.”

Bring. it. on. Well, until we hit the tween years (officially deemed the hardest years of parenting). But we won’t dwell on it.