Communication Breakdown For Milibands As Ed Cuts Off David Due To Bad Line

Communication Breakdown For Milibands As Ed Cuts Off David Due To Bad Line

Ed and David Miliband have suffered a communication breakdown as the former Labour leader interviewed his older brother on the radio.

The pair were discussing the plight of refugees and their own family's history of fleeing war and persecution when the phone line to David momentarily dropped out, and then became crackled and difficult to hear.

Ed has been filling in as a Radio 2 DJ this week on Jeremy Vine's lunchtime programme.

The Labour MP, who has admitted to enduring a difficult relationship with David after beating him to the Labour leadership in 2010, was forced to cut his older brother off, saying: "Okay Dave, I think we're going to have to stop there partly because the line is going.

"But I really want to thank you very much for joining us, I'll see you very soon."

Mr Miliband then played OMD's anti-war anthem Enola Gay, named after the US warplane which dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima in Japan during the Second World War.

Earlier in the interview, David, who now heads up the global humanitarian charity the International Rescue Committee, called for Britain to admit 25,000 refugees a year, with more than 60 million people displaced by war or persecution worldwide.

"If you take my figure of the 5,000 resettled refugees that Britain took last year, you know from your own constituency if you do the maths, that's eight per parliamentary constituency in the country," he said.

"And I always used to say to people, in fact I still do - no one is going to persuade me that eight refugees arriving in South Shields, which is the constituency I represented, no one is going to persuade me that eight ... arriving in South Shields is going to overwhelm the local system.

"And if you think about a country like Canada that took 20,000 last year, I think that 25,000 refugees to be resettled every year would be much more in line with what the UN defines as the most vulnerable refugees."

Ed then intervened: "So that will be 40 per constituency doing the maths, is that right, more or less?"

David replied: "Exactly, yeah, more or less.

"And that would be a substantive contribution."