Computer Simulation Of Life Contains Computer Simulation Of Life

Computer Simulation Of Life Contains Computer Simulation Of Life

That's still up for debate - but this might add a bit more speculative fuel to the dubious fire.

A simulation of the universe known as the Game of Life has been programmed to contain a simulation of the universe.

The simple game in which points on a grid react to each other, and combine through emergent mathematics to create what appear to be 'living' organisms, structures and shapes, has been in use as a way to 'simulate' the universe for decades.

It was invented by John Horton Conway in 1970 and opened up huge avenues of research in maths, and even biology.

A new variation of a similar game, known as Golly, takes the idea further - and is actually able to simulate itself in the game.

By 'seeding' the game in the right way, it can create walled gardens in the matrix which appear and act like miniature versions of the game itself.

So - is this further evidence of the universe-as-simulation? Nah. But it's pretty awesome to look at.

Sort of like the universe, in fact.

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