Top 12 Hottest Travel Spots For 2014 (PICTURES)

Are South Korea, Nicaragua And Russia On Your Bucket List?
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As Britain's spell of pernicious winter weather continues to turn every journey into a fight for survival, it can be helpful to focus your thoughts on more uplifting travel experiences.

According to Mike Thiel, founder of travel website, each year travel lovers become more adventurous in their holiday choices.

Among his contenders for pole position are countries such as South Korea, Nicaragua and Russia.

"We consulted our travel crystal ball to find places on the verge of discovery, or prime for rediscovery, in 2014," says Thiel, in a statement.

"Our 'Top 12 Hottest Travel Spots for 2014' are either well-kept secrets or enjoying a renaissance of sorts. And each celebrates those special things, like unspoiled beauty, that set them apart from every other place."

What do you think of Thiel's predications for 2014? Are there any you'd like to add? Let us know in the comments below...

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