The Ultimate Women of the Year Awards 2013

This last week has been crunch time. All the months of talks and negotiations have come to an abrupt end. Despite the event still being nearly a month away, the actual winners' issue of our Ultimate Women Awards goes to press.

This last week has been crunch time. All the months of talks and negotiations have come to an abrupt end. Despite the event still being nearly a month away, the actual winners' issue of our Ultimate Women Awards goes to press.

Somehow this always seems to clash with me being out of the country, and this week I was in New York working. I know it shouldn't be a problem in this day and age, but for some reason, despite email, Skype and text, you name it - not being in the office seems to make everything more complicated.

So when I came back on Thursday, the priority was a major catch-up on the state of play with everything from menus and award-trophy designs to seating plans, DJs and budgets. It reminds me why, after 25 years, two children and (currently) two cats, my partner and I have never got married. It's not the wedding per se, it's the hassle of organising it all.

The fab things about being a bride and hosting an awards show are: you get a posh dress (tick), delicious food and drink (tick), you hang out with good people (tick), get presents - for award nights read goody bags - (tick) and there's lots of love in the room (big tick).

The downers are wearing ridiculous shoes for too long, worrying that you'll have that extra glass of wine that'll push you over the edge, making you incapable of speaking in public and/or not falling over, and wanting everybody to have such a good time that you forget to enjoy yourself until it's nearly all over.

So, apart from gel cushions in my skyscraper heels, the one thing I remember from last year is not showing too much bare skin. I'm not saying I'll be togged up head to toe in thermals but - depending on the weather - the marble grandeur of the Victoria and Albert Museum, where we're hosting the event, can remind you that you're in the middle of winter.

Not that you'd know it from the rest of the Cosmo team and many of our fabulous guests. Party glamour always dictates that there is flesh on show, from plunging necklines to thigh-skimming hemlines - and that's just the men.

The year before, I nearly combusted with heat due to the fact that I had so many layers of control underwear on - Spanx pants, opaque control tights and a body-shaping slip - that I could have braved the Arctic.

Our amazing Head of Events and Sponsorship, Victoria Archbold, has far bigger fish to fry than my personal temperature controls. She's busy sorting out how we'll make the event look totally Cosmo and support this year's sponsor Vauxhall Adam. She has the tightest time schedule to transform the historical, educational setting of the museum into a glitzy, glamorous affair that makes it a fun evening to complement the serious issue of the Awards. She also has to be prepared for every eventuality, from cooking and catering for hundreds to what happens if there is a break in power.

Now, she is totally the kind of person I should get on board if I ever get married...

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