5 Cute Animals To End The Week: Flamboyance Of Baby Flamingos Arrive In San Diego

Best group name ever.
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We love bringing a bit of joy every week with our animal-tastic series, but it’s not always bright and breezy being a member of the animal kingdom. 

This week, we learned about a certain type of fish that plunges into the depths of despair if they can’t be with their one true love (same tbh). Meanwhile, a separate study found dogs mirror their owner’s stress levels, which is kind of sweet (because dogs are just so loving and caring), but also pretty depressing. 

So in brighter news, we’re bringing you the round-up of the week that puts smiles on everyone’s faces. Starting with...

1. Good Day To This Flamboyance Of Baby Flamingos.

Seven baby flamingos have hatched at SeaWorld San Diego and oh my goodness, you are not ready for this much cuteness. The chicks – who can often be seen hiding in their parents’ plumage – currently have grey or white down feathers. They will lose these over a two or three-year period, at which time their pink feathers will begin to show. Stunning.

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Sea World San Diego
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SeaWorld San Diego

2. Cat Channels Inner... Monkey?

Want some gym inspo? Look no further than this absolute unit who is hanging from a doorframe like it’s no big deal. Honestly, I can only dream of having that kind of upper body strength.

And the way it just casually throws itself backwards onto the shelf... Blimey.

3. The Cutest Dog In The World. 

I have found the cutest dog in the world and this is the hill I’m willing to die on. My colleague is ‘godmother’ to this angel faced pupper. How can she be this beautiful? Why am I not this cute? Is this what perfection looks like? 

4. Miss Me?

One dog owner got a hero’s welcome when she left the Tube station and was greeted by her tiny doggos, who clearly didn’t miss her at all...

5. Baby Elephant Survives Deadly Virus, Cuddles Her Mum.

A two-year-old Asian elephant at Chester Zoo – named Indali Hi Way – is in recovery from a deadly virus that threatens Asian elephants globally.

Indali is thought to be a rare case of survival for a young elephant with the illness, also known as elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV).

During an intensive two-week period, Indali received round-the-clock care to help her fight for her life: including nine anaesthetic procedures, blood plasma transfusions, interferon therapy, anti-viral medications and immune boosting treatments as well as very large amounts of intravenous fluids. It was touch and go as to whether she’d make it, but in the end, she pulled through. And cuddling her mum was first on her priorities...

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Chester Zoo