Dad's Sweet Gesture For Daughter On Last Day Of School Will Melt Your Icy Heart

No, you're crying 😭

When the day came for Tom Sullivan’s last-born to leave school and go on to college, Tom had something special up his sleeve. 

You see, Tom had been making his daughter Meg’s lunches since she first started school. This involved peeling her oranges every day, even when she was old enough to do it herself.

But on her last day, Tom sent his 18-year-old off to school with two unpeeled oranges in a resealable bag and a WikiHow article on how to peel them.

He also wrote in marker pen, “It’s time baby girl”, accompanied by a picture of a sad face with tears.

His daughter Meg tweeted about what her dad had done, and the hilarious yet touching act went down a storm with Twitter users.

Meg tweeted two photos of her final lunch, with the caption: “My dad has been peeling oranges for my lunch since kindergarten and on my last day of high school I got this instead.”  

She later told Mashable: “I’m his last kiddo leaving for college this year and you can tell he’s really really sad about it, but I thought the note was really funny and ended up laughing about it!”

Here’s what the internet (and WikiHow) had to say on the matter... 

After Meg’s tweet went mega viral, accruing more than 410,000 favourites, her father said his “life is complete”.

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