Dad's Sex Advice For His Teenage Children Causes A Stir On Reddit

Dad's Sex Advice For His Teenage Kids Causes A Stir

A dad has opened up discussion on the best ways to talk about sex with your kids by revealing his rather more casual approach to the internet.

The anonymous father, who has a 13-year-old son and a 15-year-old daughter, shared his alternative method on a Reddit thread titled First Time Having Sex: One Dad's View.

"I told them that it was alright for them to be sexually active as soon as they were 'ready'. I then went on to say what ready means," he writes in the post.

According to the father, there are four key points a teenager must consider when they're thinking about whether or not they are "ready".

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Firstly, being ready means being "mature enough to be open about it".

"If they're not mature enough to talk to me or their mum about it, they're not ready," the dad says.

Secondly, he says they must have developed "full trust in their partners" by working their way "from holding hands and talking, to kissing and touching".

After that, the teenagers will know they're ready when they have the maturity to understand the "importance of wearing a condom".

Finally, he tells his children they will only know they are ready when they stop sneaking around in questionable locations to have sex.

"I also told them not to have sex in creepy places like school stairwells or behind the gym. They have perfectly good bedrooms with doors that lock and their friends will be welcome to stay for breakfast," he says.

While some on Reddit said the dad wants to know "too much" about his children's sex lives, the majority of people praised him for his refreshingly honest response.

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