Dame Joan Collins Throws Effortless Shade At Linda Gray Over 'Hollyoaks' Role

'I’m not doing it. You know who is? Linda Gray.'

Dame Joan Collins has proved that shade-throwing is not just a young person’s game, after recent comments about her former rival, Linda Gray.

The two have a long-standing public feud, which stemmed from the days when ‘Dynasty’ and ‘Dallas’ - in which Dame Joan and Linda both played the iconic roles of Alexis Carrington and Sue Ellen Ewing respectively - were pitted against each other, and decades later, she’s now stuck the boot in once again.

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Dame Joan Collins
Jeff Spicer via Getty Images

Linda recently expressed her excitement at joining the cast of ‘Hollyoaks’ for a week’s worth of shows later this year, where she’ll be playing Marnie Nightingale’s mum, Tabitha Maxwell-Brown, who has been billed as a “widow and lady who lunches”.

She said: “‘Hollyoaks’ viewers are going to love it when Tabby whips up a storm just like Sue Ellen did.”

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Linda Gray
Paul Archuleta via Getty Images

Dame Joan, who celebrated her 83rd birthday earlier this year, recently spoke about bowing out of showbusiness, insisting it was not something she envisaged herself doing.

She claimed: “I’m going to go on as long as I can. Besides 70 is the new 50 and up and up.

“I said to the Queen... well I didn’t actually, I said it to Jerry Lewis. But 90 is the new 70.”

Before You Go

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