Boaty McBoatface Petition Calls On Sir David Attenborough To Stand Up For Democracy

Do it for the people, Sir David.

An internet petition is calling on Sir David Attenborough to change his name via deed poll in protest to the government's decision to overturn a poll in which the British public chose to name a high-tech research vessel Boaty McBoatface.

The British people overwhelmingly chose to name the ship Boaty McBoatface in the open poll, with 124,109 choosing the winning name - however the government decided to honour Sir David Attenborough instead, despite the option coming last in the poll with only 10,284 votes.

Now a petition on is calling on the beloved broadcaster to stand up for democracy by legally changing his name to Boaty McBoatface.

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Despite the government's decision to completely ignore a democratic choice by the people of the UK, they instead paid homage to the original winner of the poll by giving the name Boaty McBoatface to a small submarine which will be on board the RRS Sir David Attenborough.

On the page, one supporter said: "We cannot let the voices of the British public be over-ruled by the political elite once more!

"The fourth plinth at Trafalgar Square should be dedicated to Boaty McBoatface! The National Anthem should be re-written for Boaty McBoatface!

"If David Attenborough refuses this morally righteous course of action, we might as well let the terrorists win for democracy is dead."

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