David Cameron Refuses To Rule Out Boris Johnson As Conservative Leader After General Election 2015

David Cameron Is Keeping Schtum On Boris' Chances At Tory Leadership

David Cameron has refused to speculate on reports that Boris Johnson is being lined up to take over the mantle of Tory leader if he fails to win an outright majority.

The Prime Minister said he was focused on the next 12 days rather than anything after that and would leave speculation up to the media.

He told supporters at a speech in south London: "I'm focused on the 12 days we have got to save our economy, save jobs, save our country and make sure this country keeps moving forward.

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David Cameron refused to be drawn on Boris' prospects of Tory leadership

"Otherwise we put it all at risk, we go back to to square one, it is like the last five years haven't happened.

"We go back to borrowing and debt ... unlimited welfare and taxes - all the things that got this country into such a mess seven years ago from which we have so far recovered so strongly.

"Don't put it at risk."

Cameron claimed in his speech that the first black or Asian prime minister would be a Tory.

Asked if culture secretary Sajid Javid was up to the job, he replied: "I don't get to choose these things.

"All I'm saying is that in the Conservative Party you can see a party that is open to good talents."

According to the Telegraph, the Mayor of Londonis being lined up for a rapid "coronation" as Conservative leader after the general election if Cameron fails to secure a majority.

The paper claims senior Tories have begun planning for a quick change of leadership in the event of a hung parliament, although it adds there is no suggestion of a coup.