Davis Urges MPs To Leave Brexit Bill Untouched

Davis Urges MPs To Leave Brexit Bill Untouched

Demands for the Government to make major changes to laws allowing Britain to start divorce talks with the European Union have been rejected outright by the Brexit Secretary.

David Davis has insisted he will ask MPs to kick out measures introducing a ''meaningful'' parliamentary vote on the final exit package and guarantees on protections for EU nationals living in Britain when they consider them on Monday.

The amendments were made to the Brexit Bill after being backed by an overwhelming majority of peers and Labour made a "direct appeal" on Friday for Theresa May to let them go ahead.

But a defiant Mr Davis insisted voters want the Prime Minister to be able to get on with the job and said he will call on MPs to leave the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill untouched.

The Bill could complete its final stages on Monday if the House of Lords accepts the decisions made by MPs when they vote on it earlier in the day.

It would allow Mrs May to trigger the formal Article 50 process for quitting the EU as early as Tuesday.

Mr Davis said: "However they voted in the referendum, the majority of people now want the Prime Minister to be able to get on with the job.

"By a majority of four to one, MPs passed straightforward legislation allowing the Government to move ahead with no strings attached. I will be asking MPs to send the legislation back to the House of Lords in its original form so that we can start building a Global Britain and a strong new partnership with the EU.

"Our new position in the world means we can restore national self-determination, build new trading links and become even more global in spirit and action."

Labour sources said there was a 20% chance of peers sending the Bill back to the Commons again.

The party has been working closely with crossbenchers in the Lords on their response to the legislation and expects the final hurdle to be crossed on Monday night.

But the way Mr Davis responds to the amendments peers have made will be crucial.

The source said: "If they are dismissed out of hand then they have got some problems.

"If there's no further reassurances, that's when the Government could get into difficulties.

"It's about mood, tone and content."