Dawn Of War 3 Trailer Heralds The Return Of A Cult Classic Within PC Gaming

One Of PC Gaming's Best-Loved Franchises Is Making Its Return

Dawn of War might not mean much to those of you who haven't invested in a gaming PC but for the stalwart few who have turned their backs on consoles, this video game means a lot.

Notoriously hard to run on PCs, the Dawn of War series has become something of a cult classic among its fans.

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Not least because it's probably the single best adaptation of the Warhammer 40K universe to appear on a screen.

It managed to capture the essence of the genre, from the steam punk gothic design to the almost Frank Miller esque hyper violence.

Well now there's a new one, and unsurprisingly it has fans, and journalists, rather excited.

Launching on PC sometime next year the game promises to offer an even bigger scale than before while keeping the same Real-Time Strategy pace that kept players addicted to the series.

While there's no actual gameplay, instead what you see is a visually stunning memorial to pure war - encompassing the fanaticism, rage and senselessness that makes the fantasy world of Warhammer 40K such a morbidly fascinating concept.

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