Woman Leaves Dirty Note In Husband's Lunch Box Asking For Sex, He Posts It On The Internet (PICTURE)

Woman Leaves Dirty Note In Husband's Lunch Box..

Love (and dirty love letters) are sacred and to be enjoyed between two people, in private.

At least that's what one woman thought as she slipped a saucy note into her husband's lunch box last week.

The note (pictured below) suggests that the couple spend the night having lots of sex and, well, not much else.

Sounds like a perfectly healthy relationship so far, right? Wrong.

After finding the note on Friday lunch time, the man in question did the unthinkable and posted it on the internet.

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Yup, he went there.

Brianc500 posted the note to the social news site Reddit, explaining that he'd found the raunchy love letter at work during lunch time.

The post has already attracted hundreds of comments from Reddit users. And HuffPost UK Lifestyle can't help but wonder how the night panned out.


Here are some more dirty love letters by famous authors, compiled by Flavorwire for HuffPost Books

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