Doctor Who New Series: Former ‘Cold Feet' Actress Hermione Norris To Guest Star Alongside Peter Capaldi

Another Star Name For 'Doctor Who' Cast

Hermione Norris is the latest star to be confirmed for a guest appearance in the upcoming series of ‘Doctor Who’.

The former ‘Cold Feet’ and 'Spooks' actress will star in an episode being filmed in Lanzarote. Hermione has explained the reasons behind her desire to appear on the BBC show.

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Hermione Norris

“It’s exciting to be part of such an iconic show and one that my kids can watch,” Hermione said.

The episode will be written by Peter Harness and series producer Steven Moffat has praised both the writer and Hermione.

“It’s a testament to the quality of Peter Harness’s intense and emotional script that we’ve been able to attract an actress of the brilliance of Hermione Norris,” he said. “And for the first time since 1984, the team is heading to Lanzarote.”

Steven has also given fans a few clues to the episode’s plot, explaining: “The Doctor is returning to the scene of an old adventure – but there have been sinister changes since his last visit.”

A number of other guest stars have been confirmed ahead of the new episodes, which will see Peter Capaldi take on the role of the Doctor.

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