‘Doctor Who’: Pearl Mackie’s Character Bill Potts Will Be First Openly Gay Companion

'It’s about time isn’t it? That representation is important.'

The new series of ‘Doctor Who’ will feature the Time Lord’s first ever openly gay companion, it has been revealed.

The character, Bill Potts, is being played by Pearl Mackie, and will arrive on the show during April’s season 10 premiere.

Speaking to the BBC, Pearl has shared her joy at the move, while also reminding TV fans why it “shouldn’t be a big deal in the 21st Century”.

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Peter and Pearl as the Doctor and Bill

With the new series’ air date approaching, it’s definitely a very exciting time to be a ‘Doctor Who’ fan, and while the episodes will be Pearl’s first, they’ll mark the end of Peter Capaldi’s time as the Doctor.

Bosses are currently trying to decide on a suitable replacement for the actor, while addressing comments from the many fans who have pointed out that it’s about time the first female Time Lord was cast.

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