'Doctor Who' Bosses 'Eye Younger Man' To Replace Peter Capaldi

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‘Doctor Who’ fans hoping that the departure of Peter Capaldi will pave the way for the first female Time Lord could be in for a longer wait.

Despite calls from Peter and a number of past stars like David Tennant and Billie Piper to cast a woman in the role, The Mirror has claimed BBC bosses are eyeing a younger man for the role, in a bid to snap up some of the fans lost in recent years.


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Peter Capaldi
Stuart C. Wilson via Getty Images
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David Tennant was a popular Doctor
NIKLAS HALLE'N via Getty Images

The new series of ‘Doctor Who’ kicks off later this month, and will introduce new character Bill, played by Pearl Mackie.

It was recently claimed that Bill would be the first assistant in ‘Doctor Who’ history to be openly gay, with Pearl revealing the character’s sexuality is disclosed almost immediately.

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Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie and Matt Lucas

However, viewers probably shouldn’t get too used to her, as it’s been reported Pearl will be leaving the show at the same time as Peter and executive producer Steven Moffat.

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